Psalm 31 - Transliteration
Lamnatsêach mizmor ledavid
Bechá Adonai chassíti, al evosha leolam, betsidcatechá faleteni
Hate elai oznechá mehera hatsilêni, heiê li letsur maoz levêt metsudot lehoshiêni
Ki sal’i umetsudati áta, ulmáan shimchá tanchêni utnahalêni
Totsiêni meréshet zu támenu li, ki ata mauzi
Beiadechá afkid ruchi, padíta oti Adonai El emét
Sanêti hashomerim havelê shav, vaani el Adonai batáchti
Aguíla veesmechá bechasdêcha, asher raíta et onyii iadáta betsarot nafshi
Velo hisgartáni beiad oiev, heemádta vamerchav raglai
Chonêni Adonai ki tsar li, asheshá vecháas eni nafshi uvitni
Ki chalu veiagon chaiai ushenotai baanachá, cashal baavoni chochi vaatsamai asheshu
Micol tsorerai hayiti cherpa, velish’chenai meod ufachad limeiudaai, roai bachuts nadedu mimêni
Nish’cachti kemet milev, hayiti kich’li oved
Ki shamáti dibat rabim magor missaviv, behivassedam iachad alai lacáchat nafshi zamámu
Vaani alêcha vatáchti Adonai, amarti Elohai áta
Beiadechá itotai, hatsilêni miiad oievai umerodefai
Haíra fanêcha al avdêcha, hoshiêni vechasdêcha
Adonai al evôsha ki keratícha, ievôshu reshaim yidemú lish’ol
Tealámna siftê sháker, hadoverot al tsadic atac begaavá vavuz
Ma rav tuvechá asher tsafánta lireêcha, paálta lachossim bach négued benê adam
Tastirem besséter panêcha meruch’sê ish, tits’penem bessucá meriv leshonot
Baruch Adonai, ki hifli chasdo li beir matsor
Vaani amarti vechofzi nigráazti minégued enêcha, achen shamáta col tachanunai beshaveí elêcha
Ehevu et Adonai col chassidav, emunim notser Adonai umshalem al iéter osse gaava
Chizcu veiaamets levavechém, col hameiachalim ladonai
Psalm 35 - Transliteration
Ledavid, riva Adonai et ierivai, lecham et lochamai
Hachazec maguen vetsiná, vecúma beezrati
Veharec chanit usgor licrat rodfai, emor lenafshi ieshuatech áni
Ievôshu veyicalemu mevac’shê nafshi, yissôgu achor veiach’peru choshevê raati
Yihiu kemots lifnê rúach, umal’ach Adonai doche
Iehi darcam chóshech vachalac’lacot, umal’ach Adonai rodfam
Ki chinam tamenu li shachat rishtam, chinam chaferu lenafshi
Tevoêehu shoá lo iedá, verishto asher taman tilkedo beshoá yipol ba
Venafshi taguil badonai, tassis bishuato
Cal atsmotai tomarna Adonai mi chamôcha, matsil ani mechazac mimenu veani veevion migozelo
Iecumun edê chamas, asher lo iadáti yish’alúni
Ieshalemúni raá tachat tová, shechol lenafshi
Vaani bachalotam levushi sac inêti vatsom nafshi, utfilati al cheki tashuv
Kerêa keach li hit’haláchti, caavêl em coder shachôti
Uvetsal’i samechu veneessáfu, neesfu alai nechim velo iadáti, careú velo damu
Bechanfê laaguê maog, charoc alai shinêmo
Adonai cama tir’e, hashiva nafshi mishoehem, mikefirim iechidati
Odechá becahal rav, beam atsum ahalelêca
Al yismechú li oievai shéker, soneai chinam yicretsu áyin
Ki lo shalom iedabêru, veal riguê érets divrê mirmot iachashovun
Vaiarchívu alai pihem, ameru heach heach raata enênu
Raíta Adonai al techerash, Adonai al tirchac mimêni
Haíra vehakítsa lemishpati, Elohai vadonai lerivi
Shoftêni chetsidkechá Adonai Elohai veal yismechú li
Al iomeru velibam heach nafshênu, al iomeru bilaanúhu
Ievôshu veiachperú iachdav semechê raati, yilbeshu voshet uch’limá hamagdilim alai
Iarônu veyismechú chafetsê tsidki, veiomeru tamid yigdal Adonai hechafets shelom avdo
Ulshoni teguê tsidkêcha, col haiom tehilatêcha
Psalm 36 - Transliteration
Lamnatsêach leéved Adonai ledavid
Neum pêsha larashá bekérev libi, en pachad Elohim lenégued enav
Ki hechelic elav beenav, limtso avono lisno
Divrê fiv áven umirma, chadal lehaskil lehetiv
Áven iach’shov al mishcavo, yitiatsev al dérech lo tov, ra lo yim’as
Adonai behashamáyim chasdêcha, emunatechá ad shechakim
Tsidcatechá keharerê El, mishpatêcha tehom raba, adam uvehema toshía Adonai
Ma iacar chasdechá Elohim, uvenê adam betsel kenafêcha iechessaiun
Yirveiun midéshen betêcha, venachal adanêcha tashkem
Ki imechá mecor chayim, beorechá nir’e or
Meshoch chasdechá leiodeêcha, vetsidcatechá leyishrê lev
Al tevoêni réguel gaava, veiad reshaim al tenidêni
Sham nafelu pôale áven, dôchu velo iachelu cum
Psalm 60 - Transliteration
Lamnatsêach al shushan edut, michtam ledavid lelamed
Behatsoto et Aram Naharáyim veet Aram Tsova, vaiashov Ioav vaiach et Edom begê mélach shenem assar álef
Elohim zenachtánu ferats’tánu, anáfta teshovev lánu
Hir’áshta érets petsamtá, refa shevarêha chi máta
Hir’íta amechá cashá, hishkitánu iayin tar’ela
Natáta lireêcha nes lehitnosses, mipenê cóshet sêla
Lemáan iechaletsun iedidêcha, hoshía ieminechá vaanêni
Elohim diber becodsho eeloza, achalecá Shechém veémec sucót amaded
Li Gil’ad veli Menashe veefráyim maoz roshi, Iehudá mechokeki
Moav sir rach’tsi, al Edom ashlich naali, alai peléshet hit’roái
Mi iovilêni ir matsor, mi nachani ad Edom
Halo ata Elohim zenachtánu, velo tetse Elohim betsivotênu
Háva lanu ezrat mitsar, veshav teshuat adam
Belohim naasse cháyil, vehu iavus tsarênu
Psalm 68 - Transliteration
Lamnatsêach ledavid mizmor shir
Iacum Elohim iafútsu oievav, veianússu messan’av mipanav
Kehindof ashan tindof, kehimes donag mipenê esh, iovedu reshaim mipenê Elohim
Vetsadikim yismechú, iaaltsu lifnê Elohim veiassíssu vessimchá
Shíru lelohim zamerú shemo, sôlu larochev baaravot beiá shemo veilzu lefanav
Avi ietomim vedaian almanót, Elohim bimeon codshó
Elohim moshiv iechidim báita, motsi assirim bacosharot, ach sorerim shachenu tsechichá
Elohim betsetechá lifnê amêcha, betsadechá vishimon sêla
Érets raasha af shamáyim natefu mipenê Elohim, zé Sinai mipenê Elohim Elohê Yisrael
Guéshem nedavót tanif Elohim, nachalatechá venil’a ata chonánta
Chaiatechá iashevu va, tachin betovatechá leani Elohim
Adonai yiten ômer, hamevasserot tsavá rav
Malchê tsevaót yidodun yidodun, unvat báyit techalec shalal
Im tishkevun bên shefatáyim, canfê ioná nechpá vakéssef, veevrotêha birac’rac charuts
Befares Shadai melachim, ba tashleg betsalmon
Har Elohim har Bashan, har gavnunim har Bashan
Láma teratsedun harim gavnunim, hahar chamad Elohim leshivto, af Adonai yishcon lanétsach
Rechev Elohim ribotáyim alfê shin’an, Adonai vam Sinai bacódesh
Alíta lamarom, shavíta shévi, lacáchta matanót baadam, veaf sorerim lishcon Iá Elohim
Baruch Adonai iom iom, iaamos lánu hael ieshuatênu sêla
Hael lanú El lemoshaót, velelohim Adonai lamávet totsaót
Ach Elohim yimchats rosh oievav, codcod sear mit’halech baashamav
Amar Adonai mibashan ashiv, ashiv mimetsulót iam
Lemáan timchats reglechá bedam, leshon kelavêcha meoievim minêhu
Raú halichotêcha Elohim, halichót Eli malki vacódesh
Kidemú sharim achar noguenim, betoch alamót tofefót
Bemac’helót barechu Elohim, Adonai mimecor Yisrael
Sham Biniamin tsair rodem, sarê Iehudá rigmatam, sarê Zevulun sarê Naftali
Tsiva Elohêcha uzêcha, úza Elohim, zu paálta lánu
Mehechalêcha al Ierushaláyim, lechá iovilu melachim shai
Guear chaiat cane, adat abirim beeglê amim, mitrapes beratsê chássef, bizar amim keravot iechpátsu
Ieetaiu chashmanim mini Mitsráyim, Cush tarits iadav lelohim
Mamlechót haárets shíru lelohim, zamerú Adonai sêla
Larochev bishmê shemê kédem, hen yiten becolo col oz
Tenú oz lelohim, al Yisrael gaavató veuzo bashechakim
Norá Elohim mimicdashêcha, El Yisrael hu noten oz vetaatsumót laam, baruch Elohim
Psalm 80 - Transliteration
Lamnatsêach el shoshanim, edut leassaf mizmor
Roe Yisrael haazína noheg catson Iossef, ioshev hakeruvim hofía
Lifnê Efráyim uviniamin umenashe orerá et guevuratêcha, ulchá lishuáta lánu
Elohim hashivênu, vehaer panêcha venivashêa
Adonai Elohim Tsevaót, ad matai ashánta bitfilat amêcha
Heechaltam léchem dim’á, vatash’kêmo bid’maót shalish
Tessimênu madon lish’chenênu, veoievênu yil’agú lámo
Elohim Tsevaót hashivênu, vehaer panêcha venivashêa
Guéfen mimitsráyim tassía, tegaresh goyim vatitaêha
Piníta lefanêha vatash’resh shorashêha, vatemale árets
Cassu harim tsilá, vaanafêha arzê El
Teshalach ketsirêha ad iam, veel nahar ionecotêha
Láma paráts’ta guederêha, vearúha col overê dárech
Iecharsemêna chazir miiáar veziz sadai yir’êna
Elohim Tsevaót shuv na, habet mishamáyim ur’e, ufcod guéfen zot
Vechaná asher nateá ieminêcha, veal ben imáts’ta lach
Serufa vaesh kessuchá, migaarat panêcha iovêdu
Tehi iadechá al ish ieminêcha, al ben adam imáts’ta lach
Velo nassog mimêca, techaiênu uvshimchá nicrá
Adonai Elohim Tsevaót hashivênu, haer panêcha venivashêa
Psalm 83 - Transliteration
Shir mizmor leassaf
Elohim al domi lach, al techerash veal tish’cot El
Ki hine oievêcha iehemaiun, umssan’êcha nasseú rosh
Al amechá iaarímu sod, veyit’iaatsu al tsefunêcha
Ameru lechu venach’chidem migoi, velo yizacher shem Yisrael od
Ki noatsu lev iachdav, alêcha berit yich’rotu
Aholê Edom veyishmeelim, Moav vehaguerim
Gueval veamon vaamalec, Peléshet im ioshevê Tsor
Gam Ashur nilvá imam, haiu zerôa livnê Lot sêla
Asse lahem kemidian, kessisserá cheiavin benáchal Kishon
Nishmedu veen dor, haiu dômen laadamá
Shitêmo nedivêmo keorev vechizeev, uchzévach uchtsalmuná col nessichêmo
Asher ameru niresha lánu, et neot Elohim
Elohai shitêmo chagalgal, kecash lifnê rúach
Keesh tiv’ar iáar, uchlehava telahet harim
Ken tirdefem bessaarêcha, uvsufatechá tevahalem
Male fenehem calon, vivac’shú shimchá Adonai
Ievôshu veyibahalu adê ad, veiach’peru veiovêdu
Veiedeú ki ata shimchá Adonai levadêcha, elion al col haárets
Psalm 88 - Transliteration
Shir mizmor livnê Côrach, Lamnatsêach al machalat leanot, maskil leheman haezrachi
Adonai Elohê ieshuati, iom tsaácti valaila negdêcha
Tavo lefanêcha tefilati, hate oznechá lerinati
Ki savea veraot nafshi, vachaiai lish’ol higuíu
Nech’shavti im ioredê vor, hayíti keguéver en eial
Bametim chofshi, kemo chalalim shochevê kéver asher lo zechartam od, vehêma miiadechá nigzáru
Shatáni bevor tachtiót, bemachashakim bimtsolot
Alai samechá chamatêcha, vechol mishbarêcha iníta sêla
Hirchácta meiudaai mimêni, shatáni toevot lámo, calu velo etse
Eni daava mini ôni, keratícha Adonai bechol iom, shitáchti elêcha chapai
Halametim táasse péle, im refaim iacúmu iodúcha sêla
Haissupar bakéver chasdêcha, emunatechá baavadon
Hayivada bachóshech pil’êcha, vetsidcatechá beérets neshiiá
Vaani elêcha Adonai shiváti, uvabóker tefilati tecademêca
Lama Adonai tiznach nafshi, tastir panêcha mimeni
Ani ani vegovêa minôar, nassáti emêcha afúna
Alai averu charonêcha, biutêcha tsimtutúni
Sabúni chamáyim col haiom, hikífu alai iáchad
Hirchácta mimêni ohev varêa, meiudaai mach’shach
Psalm 89 - Transliteration
Maskil leetan haerzrachi
Chasdê Adonai olam ashíra, ledor vador odía emunatechá befi
Ki amárti olam chéssed yibanê, shamáyim tachin emunatechá vahem
Caráti verit livchiri, nishbáti ledavid avdi
Ad olam achin zar’êcha, uvaníti ledor vador kis’acha sêla
Veiodu shamáyim pil’acha Adonai, af emunatechá bic’hal kedoshim
Ki mi vasháchac iaaroch ladonai, yidme ladonai bivnê elim
El naarots bessod kedoshim raba, venorá al col sevivav
Adonai Elohê Tsevaót mi chamôcha chassin Iá, veemunatechá sevivotêcha
Ata moshel begueut haiam, besso galav ata teshabechem
Ata dikíta chechalal ráhav, bizrôa uzechá pizárta oievêcha
Lechá shamáyim af lechá árets, tevel umloá ata iessadtam
Tsafon veiamin ata veratam, Tavor vechermon beshimchá ieranênu
Lechá zerôa im guevurá, taoz iadechá tarum ieminêcha
Tsédec umishpat mechon kis’êcha, chéssed veemét iecademú fanêcha
Ashrê haam iodê teruá, Adonai beor panêcha iehalêchun
Beshimchá ieguilun col haiom, uvetsidcatechá iarúmu
Ki tiféret uzámo áta, uvirtsonechá tarum carnênu
Ki ladonai maguinênu, velicdosh Yisrael malkênu
Az dibárta vechazon lachassidêcha, vatômer shivíti êzer al guibor, harimôti vachur meam
Matsáti David avdi, beshémen codshi meshachtiv
Asher iadi ticon imo, af zeroí teametsênu
Lo iashi oiev bo, uven avla lo ieanênu
Vechatoti mipanav tsarav, umsan’av egof
Veemunati vechasdi imo, uvishmi tarum carno
Vessamti vaiam iado, uvaneharot iemino
Hu yicraêni ávi áta, Eli vetsur ieshuati
Af ani bechor etenêhu, elion lemalchê árets
Leolam eshmor lo chasdi, uvriti neemenet lo
Vessamti laad zar’ó, vechis’ó kimê shamáyim
Im iaazvu vanav torati, uvmishpatai lo ielêchun
Im chucotai iechalêlu, umitsvotai lo yishmôru
Ufacadeti veshévet pish’am, uvingaim avonam
Vachasdi lo afir meimo, velo ashaker beemunati
Lo achalel beriti, umotsá sefatai lo ashane
Achat nishbáti vecodshi, im ledavid achazev
Zar’ó leolam yihie, vechis’ó chashémesh negdi
Keiarêach yicon olam, veed basháchac neeman sêla
Veata zanáchta vatim’as, hit’abárta im meshichêcha
Neárta berit avdêcha, chilálta laárets nizro
Paráts’ta chol guederotav, sámta mivtsarav mechita
Shassúhu col overê dárech, haia cherpa lish’chenav
Harimôta iemin tsarav, hismáchta col oievav
Af tashiv tsur charbo, velo hakemoto bamilchamá
Hishbáta mitoharo, vechis’ó laárets migárta
Hictsárta iemê alumav, heetíta alav bushá sêla
Ad ma Adonai tissater lanétsach, tiv’ar kemo esh chamatêcha
Zechor ani me cháled, al ma shav baráta chol benê adam
Mi guéver yichie velo yir’e mávet, iemalet nafsho miiad sheól sêla
Aiê chassadêcha harishonim, Adonai, nishbáta ledavid beemunatêcha
Zechor Adonai cherpat avadêcha, seeti vecheki col rabim amim
Asher cherefu oievêcha, Adonai, asher cherefu ikevot meshichêcha
Baruch Adonai leolam amen veamen
Psalm 109 - Transliteration
Lamnatsêach ledavid mizmor, Elohê tehilati al techerash
Ki fi rashá ufi mirmá alai patáchu, diberú iti leshon sháker
Vedivrê sin’á sevavúni, vayilachamúni chinam
Táchat ahavati yistenúni, vaani tefilá
Vaiassímu alai raá táchat tová, vessin’á táchat ahavati
Hafked alav rashá, vessatan iaamod al iemino
Behishafeto ietse rashá, utfilato tihie lachataa
Yihiu iamav meatim, pecudato yicach acher
Yihiu vanav ietomim, veishto almaná
Venôa ianúu vanav veshielu, vedareshu mecharvotehem
Ienakesh noshe lechol asher lo, veiavôzu zarim ieguio
Al iehi lo moshech chássed, veal iehi chonen litomav
Iehi acharito lehach’rit, bedor acher yimach shemam
Yizacher avon avotav el Adonai, vechatat imo al timach
Yihiu négued Adonai tamid, veiach’ret meérets zich’ram
Iáan asher lo zachar assot chássed, vayirdof ish ani veevion venich’e levav lemotet
Vaieehav kelalá vatevoêhu, velo chafets bivrachá vatirchac mimênu
Vayilbash kelalá kemado, vatavo chamáyim bekirbo, vechashémen beatsmotav
Tehi lo kevégued iate, ulmêzach tamid iachguerêha
Zot peulat sotenai meet Adonai, vehadoverim rá al nafshi
Veata Elohim Adonai asse iti lemáan shemêcha, ki tov chasdechá hatsilêni
Ki ani veevion anôchi, velibi chalal bekirbi
Ketsel kintoto neheláchti, nin’arti caarbê
Bircai cashelu mitsom, uvsari cachash mishámen
Vaani hayiti cherpá lahem, yir’uni ieniun rosham
Ozrêni Adonai Elohai, hoshiêni chechasdêcha
Veiedeú ki iadechá zot, ata Adonai assíta
Iecalelu hêma veata tevarech, cámu vaievôshu veavdechá yismach
Yilbeshú sotenai kelimá, veiaatu chameil boshtam
Ode Adonai meod befi, uvtoch rabim ahalelênu
Ki iaamod limin evion, lehoshía mishofetê nafshó
Psalm 31 - Tehillim translated into english
1. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.
2. In you, O Lord, I take refuge; never let me be ashamed; save me in your righteousness.
3. Incline your ear to me; save me speedily; be you my strong rock, a fortress of defense to save me.
4. For you are my rock and my fortress; therefore for your name’s sake lead me, and guide me.
5. Pull me out of the net that they have laid secretly for me; for you are my stronghold.
6. Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.
7. I hate those who regard lying vanities; but I trust in the Lord.
8. I will be glad and rejoice in your loving kindness; for you have considered my affliction; you have known the troubles of my soul;
9. And you have not delivered into the hand of the enemy; you have set my feet in a broad place.
10. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye is consumed with grief, my soul and my body.
11. For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing; my strength fails because of my iniquity, and my bones waste away.
12. I am the scorn of all my enemies, and exceedingly of my neighbors, and a dread to my acquaintances; those who see me in the street flee from me.
13. I am forgotten out of mind like one who is dead; I am like a broken vessel.
14. For I have heard the slander of many; fear was on every side; while they took counsel together against me, they schemed to take away my life.
15. But I trusted in you, O Lord; I said, You are my God.
16. My times are in your hand; save me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me.
17. Let your face shine upon your servant; save me in your loving kindness.
18. Let me not be ashamed, O Lord; for I have called on you; let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in Sheol.
19. Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak insolent words, arrogantly and contemptuously against the righteous.
20. Oh how great is your goodness, which you have laid up for those who fear you; which you have done for those who trust in you, in the sight of the sons of men!
21. You hide them in the covert of your presence from the plots of men; you keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.
22. Blessed be the Lord; for he has marvelously shown me his loving kindness in a besieged city.
23. For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before your eyes; nevertheless you heard the voice of my supplications when I cried to you.
24. O love the Lord, all you his pious ones; for the Lord preserves the faithful, and plentifully repays him who acts arrogantly.
25. Be of good courage, and let your heart be strong, all you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 35 - Tehillim translated into english
1. A Psalm of David. Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.
2. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for my help.
3. Draw out also the spear and javelin against those who persecute me; say to my soul, I am your salvation.
4. Let those who seek after my soul be confounded and put to shame, let those who scheme evil against me be turned back and brought to confusion.
5. Let them be as chaff before the wind; and let the angel of the Lord chase them.
6. Let their way be dark and slippery; and let the angel of the Lord pursue them.
7. For without cause they hid for me their net; without cause they dug a pit for my soul.
8. Let destruction come upon him unawares; and let his net that he hid catch himself; into ruin let him fall.
9. And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord; it shall rejoice in his salvation.
10. All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like to you, who rescues the poor from him who is too strong for him; the poor and needy from him who robs him.
11. False witnesses rise up; they ask me of things that I know not.
12. They repay me evil for good; a bereavement to my soul.
13. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth; I afflicted my soul with fasting; and as for my prayer may it return to my own bosom.
14. I behaved as though he had been my friend or brother; I bowed down heavily, as one who mourns for his mother.
15. But when I stumbled they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together; Wretches whom I knew not tear me in pieces without ceasing.
16. Like profane men, scornful mockers, they gnashed at me with their teeth.
17. Lord, how long will you look on? Rescue my soul from their destructions, my only one from the lions.
18. I will give you thanks in the great congregation; I will praise you among a great many people.
19. Let not those who are my enemies wrongfully rejoice over me; nor let those who hate me without cause wink their eye. 20. For they do not speak peace; but they plot deceitful schemes against those who are quiet in the land.
21. They opened their mouth wide against me, and said, Aha, aha! Our eye has seen it! 22. This you have seen, O Lord; do not be silent; O Lord, do not be far from me.
23. Bestir yourself, and awake to my judgment, to my cause, my God and my Lord.
24. Judge me, O Lord my God, according to your righteousness; and do not let them rejoice over me.
25. Do not let them say in their hearts, Aha, we have our heart’s desire! Do not let them say, We have swallowed him up!
26. Let those who rejoice at my calamity be ashamed and brought to confusion; let those who magnify themselves against me be clothed with shame and dishonor.
27. Let those who favor my righteous cause shout for joy, and be glad; let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, who delights in the prosperity of his servant.
28. And my tongue shall speak of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.
Psalm 36 - Tehillim translated into english
1. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David the servant of the Lord.
2. Transgression speaks to the wicked in his heart, there is no fear of God before his eyes.
3. For he flatters himself in his own eyes, that his iniquity cannot be found and hated.
4. The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit; he has ceased to act wisely, and to do good.
5. He plots mischief while on his bed; he sets himself in a way that is not good; he does not loathe evil.
6. Your loving kindness, O Lord, is in the heavens; and your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
7. Your righteousness is like the great mountains; your judgments are a great deep; O Lord, you preserve man and beast.
8. How excellent is your loving kindness, O God! Therefore the children of men take refuge under the shadow of your wings.
9. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of your house; and you shall make them drink of the river of your pleasures.
10. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light shall we see light.
11. O continue your loving kindness to those who know you; and your righteousness to the upright in heart.
12. Let not the foot of arrogance come against me, and let not the hand of the wicked drive me away.
13. There are the evil doers fallen; they are cast down, and are not able to rise.
Psalm 60 - Tehillim translated into english
1. To the chief Musician, according to Shushan-Eduth, A Miktam of David, to teach;
2. When he strove with Aram-Naharaim and with Aram-Zobah, when Joab returned, and struck twelve thousand of Edom in the Valley of Salt.
3. O God, you have cast us off, you have scattered us, you have been angry; O turn yourself to us again.
4. You have made the earth tremble; you have broken it; heal its breaches; for it totters.
5. You have shown your people hard things; you have made us drink the wine of staggering.
6. You have given a banner to those who fear you, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah.
7. That your beloved ones may be saved; save with your right hand, and answer me.
8. God has spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and measure out the Valley of Succoth.
9. Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the strength of my head; Judah is my scepter;
10. Moab is my washbasin; over Edom I will cast my shoe; over Philistia I shout in triumph.
11. Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?
12. Have you not rejected us, O God, so that you do not go forth with our armies?
13. Give us help against the enemy; for vain is the help of man.
14. Through God we shall do bravely; for he it is who shall trample down our enemies.
Psalm 68 - Tehillim translated into english
1. To the chief Musician, A Psalm Song of David.
2. Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee before him.
3. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.
4. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God; let them joyfully exult.
5. Sing to God, sing praises to his name; extol him who rides on the clouds; his name is the Lord, rejoice before him.
6. A father to the orphans, and a judge to the widows, is God in his holy habitation.
7. God gives the lonely ones a home to dwell in; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.
8. O God, when you went forth before your people, when you marched through the wilderness; Selah;
9. The earth shook, the heavens dropped at the presence of God; even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.
10. You, O God, sent a plentiful rain, to strengthen your inheritance, when it languished.
11. Your flock found a dwelling in it; you, O God, have prepared of your goodness for the poor.
12. The Lord gives the word; great is the company of those who bear the tidings.
13. Kings of armies flee, they flee; and she who dwells in the house divides the booty.
14. Though you lie among the sheep folds you shall shine like the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her pinions with yellow gold.
15. When the Almighty scattered kings in it, snow fell in Zalmon.
16. O mighty mountain! O Mountain of Bashan! O many peaked mountain! O Mountain of Bashan!
17. Why do look with envy, O many peaked mountain, at the mountain which God desired for his abode? Truly the Lord will dwell there forever.
18. The chariots of God are twice ten thousand, thousands upon thousands; the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.
19. You have ascended on high, you have led captivity captive; you have received gifts from men; from the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them.
20. Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God of our salvation. Selah.
21. He who is our God is the God of salvation; and to God the Lord belong the issues of death.
22. But God will strike the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of him who still goes on in his trespasses.
23. The Lord said, I will bring them back from Bashan, I will bring them back from the depths of the sea;
24. That your foot may be dipped in the blood of your enemies, and the tongue of your dogs may have their portion from the enemy.
25. They have seen your processions, O God; the processions of my God, my King, in the sanctuary.
26. The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; among them were the young women beating tambourines.
27. Bless God in the congregations, the Lord, from the fountain of Israel.
28. There is Benjamin, the youngest, leading them, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali.
29. Your God has commanded your strength; strengthen, O God, that which you have done for us.
30. Because of your temple at Jerusalem kings bring presents to you.
31. Rebuke the beast of the reed grass, the herd of bulls, with the calves of the peoples, who seek to ingratiate themselves with pieces of silver; scatter the peoples who delight in war.
32. Princes shall come from Egypt; Kush shall soon stretch out her hands to God.
33. Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises to the Lord; Selah;
34. To him who rides upon the heavens of heavens, which are of old; behold, he sends out his voice, a mighty voice.
35. Ascribe strength to God; his majesty is over Israel, and his strength is in the clouds.
36. O God, you are awesome from your holy places; the God of Israel is he who gives strength and power to his people. Blessed be God.
Psalm 80 - Tehillim translated into english
1. To the chief Musician, according to Shoshannim, a Testimony, A Psalm of Asaph.
2. Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock; you who are enthroned upon the kerubim, shine forth,.
3. Before Ephraim, and Benjamin, and Manasseh. Stir up your strength, and come and save us.
4. Restore, O God, and let your face shine; and we shall be saved.
5. O Lord God of hosts, how long will you be angry against the prayer of your people?.
6. You feed them with the bread of tears; and gives them tears to drink in great measure.
7. You make us a strife to our neighbors; and our enemies laugh among themselves.
8. Restore us, O God of hosts, and let your face shine; and we shall be saved.
9. You have brought a vine from Egypt; you have cast out the nations, and planted it.
10. You cleared a space for it, and you caused it to take deep root, and it filled the land.
11. The mountains were covered with its shade, and the mighty cedars with its boughs.
12. She sent out her boughs to the sea, and her branches to the river.
13. Why have you then broken down her hedges, so that all those who pass by the way pluck her fruit?.
14. The boar from the wood destroys it, and the wild beast of the field devours it.
15. Return, we beseech you, O God of hosts; look down from heaven, and behold, and have regard for this vine;.
16. And the vineyard which your right hand has planted, and the branch that you made strong for yourself.
17. It is burned with fire, it is cut down; they perish at the rebuke of your countenance.
18. Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand, upon the son of a man whom you made strong for yourself.
19. Then we will never turn back from you; revive us, and we will call upon your name.
20. Restore us, O Lord God of hosts, let your face shine; and we shall be saved.
Psalm 83 - Tehillim translated into english
1. A Song Psalm of Asaph.
2. Do not keep silent, O God; do not hold your peace and be still, O God.
3. For, behold, your enemies make a tumult; and those who hate you have lifted up the head.
4. They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and consulted against your hidden ones.
5. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may no longer be remembered.
6. For they conspire together with one accord; they make an alliance against you:.
7. The tents of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarites;.
8. Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;.
9. Assyria also has joined them; they are the strong arm of the children of Lot. Selah.
10. Do to them as you did to the Midianites; as you did to Sisera, as you did to Jabin at the brook of Kishon;.
11. Who perished at Ein-Dor; they became like dung on the earth.
12. Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb; and all their princes like Zebah, and Zalmunna;.
13. Who said, Let us take possession for ourselves of the pastures of God.
14. O my God, make them like whirling tumbleweed, like chaff before the wind.
15. As the fire burns a wood, and as the flame sets the mountains on fire;.
16. So pursue them with your tempest, and terrify them with your storm.
17. Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek your name, O Lord.
18. Let them be put to shame and dismayed for ever; and let them be put to shame, and perish,.
19. That men may know that you alone, whose name is the Lord, are the most high over all the earth.
Psalm 88 - Tehillim translated into english
1. A Song Psalm for the sons of Korah, to the chief Musician, according to Mahalath Leannoth, A Maskil of Heman the Ezrahite.
2. O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before you; 3. Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my cry; 4. For my soul is full of troubles; and my life draws near to Sheol.
5. I am counted with those who go down into the pit; I am like a man who has no strength, 6. Free among the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom you do not remember any more; and they are cut off from your hand.
7. You have laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.
8. Your wrath lies hard on me, and you have afflicted me with all your waves. Selah.
9. You have put away my acquaintance far from me; you have made me an abomination to them; I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.
10. My eye grows dim through affliction; Lord, I have called daily upon you, I have stretched out my hands to you.
11. Will you work wonders to the dead? Shall the shades arise and praise you? Selah.
12. Shall your loving kindness be declared in the grave? Your faithfulness in Avaddon? 13. Shall your wonders be known in the dark? And your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? 14. But to you I have cried, O Lord; and in the morning shall my prayer attend you.
15. Lord, why do you cast off my soul? Why do you hide your face from me? 16. I am afflicted and close to death from my youth up; while I suffer your terrors I am distracted.
17. Your fierce wrath goes over me; your terrors have cut me off.
18. They surround me daily like water; they close in upon me together.
19. Loving friend and companion have you put far from me, and my acquaintances are in darkness.
Psalm 89 - Tehillim translated into english
1. A Maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite.
2. I will sing of the constant love of the Lord for ever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.
3. For I have said, The world is built by love; your faithfulness shall you establish in the very heavens.
4. I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn to David my servant, 5. Your seed I will establish for ever, and build up your throne to all generations. Selah.
6. And the heavens shall praise your wonders, O Lord; your faithfulness also in the congregation of the holy ones.
7. For who in the skies can be compared to the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened to the Lord? 8. God is greatly feared in the assembly of the holy ones, and held in reverence by all those who are around him.
9. O Lord God of hosts, who is strong like you, O Lord? Or to your faithfulness around you? 10. You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves arise, you still them.
11. You have trampled down Rahab like carrion; you have scattered your enemies with your strong arm.
12. The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours; you have founded the world and all that is in it.
13. The north and the south you have created them; Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in your name.
14. You have a mighty arm; strong is your hand, and high is your right hand.
15. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and truth shall go before you.
16. Happy is the people who know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of your countenance.
17. In your name shall they rejoice all the day; and in your righteousness shall they be exalted.
18. For you are the glory of their strength; and in your favor our horn shall be exalted.
19. For our shield belongs to the Lord; and the Holy One of Israel is our king.
20. Then you spoke in a vision to your pious one, and said, I have laid help upon one who is mighty; I have exalted one chosen from the people.
21. I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him, 22. With whom my hand shall be established; my arm also shall strengthen him.
23. The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him.
24. And I will beat down his enemies before his face, and strike down those who hate him.
25. But my faithfulness and my loving kindness shall be with him; and in my name shall his horn be exalted.
26. I will set his hand also on the sea, and his right hand on the rivers.
27. He shall cry to me, You are my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
28. Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.
29. I will keep my truth with him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him.
30. His seed also I will make to endure for ever, and his throne like the days of heaven.
31. If his children forsake my Torah, and do not walk in my judgments; 32. If they break my statutes, and do not keep my commandments; 33. Then I will punish their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with strokes.
34. Nevertheless my loving kindness I will not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail.
35. My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word which was issued from my lips.
36. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie to David.
37. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne like the sun before me.
38. It shall be established for ever like the moon, and like a faithful witness in heaven. Selah.
39. But you have cast off and rejected, you have been angry with your anointed.
40. You have renounced the covenant of your servant; you have profaned his crown to the ground.
41. You have broken down all his hedges; you have brought his fortresses to ruin.
42. All who pass by the way plunder him; he is a taunt to his neighbors.
43. You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries; you have made all his enemies rejoice.
44. You have turned back the edge of his sword, and have not made him stand in the battle.
45. You have made his brightness cease, and cast his throne down to the ground.
46. The days of his youth you have shortened; you have covered him with shame. Selah.
47. How long, Lord, will you hide yourself for ever? Shall your wrath burn like fire? 48. Remember how short my time is; for what nothingness you have created all the sons of men!
49. Who is the man who lives, and shall not see death? Shall he save his soul from the power of Sheol? Selah.
50. Lord, where are your former oaths of loving kindness, which you swore to David in your faithfulness? 51. Remember, Lord, the disgrace of your servants; how I carry in my bosom the insults of all the many peoples; 52. With which your enemies have insulted, O Lord; with which they have insulted the footsteps of your anointed.
53. Blessed be the Lord for evermore. Amen, and Amen.
Psalm 109 - Tehillim translated into english
1. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. Be not silent, O God of my praise;
2. For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me; they have spoken against me with a lying tongue!
3. They surrounded me with words of hatred; and fought against me without cause!
4. In return for my love they are my accusers; but I give myself to prayer!
5. And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love!
6. Appoint a wicked man over him; and let Satan stand at his right hand!
7. When he shall be judged, let him be condemned; and let his prayer become sin!
8. Let his days be few; and let another seize his possessions!
9. Let his children become orphans, and his wife a widow!
10. Let his children become vagabonds, and beg; let them seek their bread from their desolate places!
11. Let the creditor seize everything that he has; and let strangers plunder his labor!
12. Let there be none to extend kindness to him; nor let there be any to favor his orphaned children!
13. Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out!
14. Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out!
15. Let them be before the Lord continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth!
16. Because he did not remember to perform kindness, but pursued the poor and needy man, and the broken hearted to their death!
17. For he loved cursing, so let it come to him; as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him!
18. And he clothed himself with cursing as his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones!
19. Let it be to him as the garment which he puts on, and as a girdle with which he is girded continually!
20. Let this be the reward of my accusers from the Lord, and of those who speak evil against my soul!
21. But you, O God the Lord, do for me for your name’s sake; because your loving kindness is good, save me!
22. For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me!
23. I am gone like the shadow at evening; I am shaken off like a locust!
24. My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh lacks fatness!
25. I have become a taunt to them; when they see me, they shake their heads!
26. Help me, O Lord my God; O save me according to your loving kindness; 27. That they may know that this is your hand; that you, Lord, have done it!
28. Let them curse, but you bless; when they arise, let them be ashamed; but let your servant rejoice!
29. Let my adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a robe!
30. I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth; I will praise him among the multitude!
31. For he stands at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those who condemn his soul!