Joint Tehillim Reading

Here you can
  1. Open a joint Tehillim reading for the Refuah (recovery) of your beloved ones.
  2. After filling the form, you will get a link.
  3. Share the link via Email, twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.
  4. Each one that will go into the link, will automatically receive a different chapter to read.
  5. Everyone could read as many chapters as they wish.
This way, a number of Tehillim books could be completed in a short time and with the participation of others, for the Refuah of your beloved ones.

Open a new Tehillim read
For the Refuah of דישא דבורה בת הינדא רבקה
For the Refuah of רפאל יעקב בן מרים
For the Refuah of בן חור בן יפה
For the Refuah of Saida bat Esther
For the Refuah of Binyamin Ber ben Chanah
L'ilui Nishmat Mima Violette Simha bat Fortunée
For the Refuah of Makhlouf ben Messaouda Saghroun
For the Refuah of דפנה רויטל בת שושנה
For the Refuah of Zalman Zev ben Rochel
For the Refuah of Esther bat perla
For the Refuah of רפאל ליאור בן רחל
For the Refuah of רפאל ליאור בן רחל
For the Refuah of לרפואת רפאל ליאור בן רחל
L'ilui Nishmat Esther bat Camouna et Shoshana bat Yvonne
For the Refuah of David moché yossef ben sarah
For the Refuah of Alexandra Bat Sarah Imenou
For the Refuah of Yenta bat Esther Faiga
For the Refuah of ESTHER BAT SARAH
For the Refuah of Yosef Yisroel Moshe ben Neshe
For the Refuah of Esther bat Sarah
For the Refuah of Nahor aaron Ben ofra
For the Refuah of Batsheva Esther bas Hadassa Ora Tova
For the Refuah of יפה בת טובה
For the Refuah of Naor Aaron ben Ofra
For the Refuah of ‎הילד מרדכי בן יוכבד טעמא לרפואה שלמה
Por la Protección de los soldados del ejército de Israel para que vuelvan en shalom con los cautivos , sanos y salvos . Por la recuperación de los heridos y la elevación del alma de los caídos
For the Refuah of Haïm Akiva ben Nelly
For the Refuah of Mima Simha bat Fortunée
For the Refuah of Avraham ben maimon
For the Refuah of Samuel Ben Rachel
שלמה סלמון בן בת שבע
L'ilui Nishmat Simone Rahma bat Frahei
L'ilui Nishmat Simon Rahma bat Frahei
For the Refuah of Moïse Moshé liyahou ben fibie
For the Refuah of Miryam bat bellara
For the Refuah of Barouch Yoël chimon Israël ben Jeannine Penina
For the Refuah of Pour la Réfoua shéléma de Barouch Yoël chimon Israël ben Jeannine Penina
For the Refuah of שרה רוזה בת יונה חממי
For the Refuah of Menachem Mendel ben Faiga
For the Refuah of Eliezer shalom Ben Miriam
For the Refuah of Meir ben Chana
For the Refuah of מלכה בת אסתר
For the Refuah of שרה ביילא בת מרים
For the Refuah of Miriam Ahuva bs Esther
For the Refuah of YAÏCH BEN RAHEL
For the Refuah of Myriam bat Attou mado
For the Refuah of Yehudit Raizel Sukkat Shaleym Bat Yitte
For the Refuah of ניקו בן קרינה
L'ilui Nishmat Momi - leilouy Nishmat Shlomo ben Solika Z’L
For the Refuah of אסתר בת רחל חתון