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All readings on this site are also for them

Thanks to all of you, the sick are healing, the souls are rising, the singles are getting married ... Your prayers read on this site also accompany the following people:

For the Refuah of

Aydel Bas Shayna Rivka - Isaac ben Yarcouta - Raphael Yaish Ben Hanna ve Yosef - H'ana bat Ledicia - Gabriel Ben Nissim - Barukh Ben Nissim - Chemouel Eliezer ben Batcheva
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For Zivug of (a good match)

Haim Ben Miriam
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L'ilui Nishmat

Yechayahou ben Moche - Avraham Ben Simha - Reuven ben Rivka SEBBAG - Margalit bat Ledicia - Jacques Isaac Ben Amram Loubaton - Yaakov ben Myriam - אליעזר בן רחל - Amram ben Itshak Loubaton - Chlomo Ben Jamilla - Jamila bat Chlomo Abensour - Ledicia bat David Banoun - Nissim ben Barukh Malka
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Gabriel Ben Ester - שמואל בן רחל - Batcheva Bat Yamit - Daniel Yehouda ben Elyahou - Elyahou ben H'anna - Makhlouf ben Sarah - Nathan ben Yehuda - Odaya Bat Yamit - Shimshon ben Avraham - Tobeweb Employees
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  • The good recovery ( Refuah ) of a person
  • In memory of someone
  • At your wedding
  • or any opportunity you would like.
A day 52₪ $16 15€
A week 180₪ $54 48€
A month 260₪ $77 69€
Three Month 520₪ $154 138€
One year 1300₪ $383 343€

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