The Seas are saying - Perek Shira - Chapter 1

The Seas are saying - Perek Shira - Chapter 1

יָמִים אוֹמְרִים. מִקֹּלוֹת מַיִם רַבִּים אַדִּירִים מִשְׁבְּרֵי יָם אַדִּיר בַּמָּרוֹם יי: (תהילים צג ד)

Other Readings and Segulot - Perek Shira

- Perek Shira of Sunday
- Tehillim of Thursday
- Fourth book of Tehillim
- Daily Tehillim: Day 19
- Segula for pregnancy
- Segula to be answered
- Tehillim 93