Lamnatsêach shir mizmor, haríu lelohim col haárets Zamerú chevod shemó, símu chavod tehilato Imru lelohim ma norá maassêcha, berov uzechá iechachashu lechá oievêcha Col haárets yishtachavú lechá vizamerú lach, iezamerú shimchá sêla Lechú ur’ú mif’alót Elohim, norá alilá al benê adam Hafach iam leiabasha, banáhar iaavru veráguel, sham nismechá bo Moshel bigvurato olam enav bagoyim tits’pêna, hassorerim al iarúmu lámo sêla Barechú amim Elohênu, vehashmíu col tehilato Hassam nafshênu bachayim, velo natan lamot raglênu Ki vechantánu Elohim, tseraftánu kitseraf cássef Havetánu vametsudá, sámta muacá vemotnênu Hircávta enosh leroshênu, bánu vaesh uvamáyim vatotsiênu larvaia Avo vetechá veolót, ashalem lechá nedarai Asher patsú sefatai, vediber pi batsar li Olót mechin aalê lach im ketóret elim, eesse vacar im atudim sêla Lechú shim’ú vaassaperá col yir’ê Elohim, asher assá lenafshi Elav pi caráti, veromam táchat leshoni Áven im raiti velibi, lo yishmá Adonai Achen shama Elohim, hic’shiv becol tefilati Baruch Elohim, asher lo hessir tefilati vechasdo meiti
Tehillim 66 - Tehillim translated into english
1. For the conductor, a song of praise; shout for joy to God, all the earth. 2. Sing the glory of His name; make glorious His praise. 3. Say to God, "How awesome are Your deeds! Through the greatness of Your might, Your enemies will admit their lies to You. 4. All the earth will prostrate themselves to You and sing praises to You; they will sing praises to Your name forever." 5. Go and see the deeds of God, awesome in His deeds toward mankind. 6. He turned the sea into dry land; in the river they crossed by foot; there we rejoiced with Him. 7. With His might, He rules the world; His eyes oversee the nations; the rebellious ones will not exalt themselves, ever. 8. O peoples, bless our God, and make the voice of His praise heard. 9. He, Who kept our souls alive and did not let our foot falter. 10. For You tested us, O God; You refined us as though refining silver. 11. You brought us into a trap; You placed a chain on our loins. 12. You caused man to ride at our head; we came in fire and water, and You took us out to satiety. 13. I shall come to Your house with burnt offerings; I shall pay You my vows, 14. Which my lips uttered and my mouth spoke in my distress. 15. Burnt offerings of fat animals I shall offer up to You with the burning of rams; I shall prepare cattle with he-goats forever. 16. Come, hearken and I shall tell all you who fear God what He did for my soul. 17. My mouth called out to Him, and He was exalted under my tongue. 18. If I saw iniquity in my heart, the Lord does not hear it. 19. But God heard; He hearkened to the voice of my prayer. 20. Blessed be God, Who did not remove my prayer and His kindness from me.
Tehillim 66 : Significance
A praise of God
Description / commentaries - Tehillim 66
This psalm describes the praises and awe-inspiring prayers that we will offer God upon the ingathering of the exiles.