The Vegetables of the Field are saying - Perek Shira - Chapter 3

The Vegetables of the Field are saying - Perek Shira - Chapter 3

יְרָקוֹת שֶׁבַּשָּׂדֶה אוֹמְרִים. תְּלָמֶיהָ רַוֵּה נַחֵת גְּדוּדֶהָ בִּרְבִיבִים תְּמֹגְגֶנָּה צִמְחָהּ תְּבָרֵךְ: (תהילים סה יא)

Other Readings and Segulot - Perek Shira

- Tehillim of Tuesday
- Second book of Tehillim
- Daily Tehillim: Day 11
- Tehillim 65