Rabbi el'azar hammoda'i omer, hammechallel et hakkodashim, vehammevazzeh et hammo'adot, vehammalbin penei chavero barabbim, vehammefer berito shel avraham avinu alav hashalom, vehammegalleh fanim battorah shello kahalachah, af al pi sheyesh beyado torah uma'asim tovim, ein lo chelek la'olam habba.
Chapter 3 / Mishnah 11 - Pirkei Avot translated into english
Rabbi Elazar of Modiin said: one who profanes sacred things, and one who despises the festivals, and one who causes his fellow’s face to blush in public, and one who annuls the covenant of our father Abraham, may he rest in peace, and he who is contemptuous towards the Torah, even though he has to his credit [knowledge of the] Torah and good deeds, he has not a share in the world to come.
R. Elazar Hamodai says: One who desecrates consecrated food [i.e., one who brings altar offerings to a state of pigul (rejection, through improper thoughts) or nothar ("left-over" beyond the prescribed time), or to uncleanliness, or one who derives personal benefit, both from altar offerings or Temple maintenance offerings], and one who shames the festivals, [the days of Chol Hamoed, by doing labor upon them or eating and drinking upon them in a mundane manner], and one who whitens his friend's face in public. [(If one is shamed, first his face turns red and then it turns white. For the spirit (of a man) has two movements: one, outwards; the other, inwards. When one is embarrassed, first his spirit moves outwards, as one who is filled with wrath, and his face turns red. And when he finds no outlet for removing that shame from his face, he worries inwardly and the spirit moves inwards because of his distress, and his face turns yellow and white. And this is the intent of Bava Metzia 58b in respect to this whitening: "the redness leaves and the whiteness arrives.")], and one who destroys the covenant of our father Abraham, may peace be upon him [by not undergoing circumcision or by doing so, but stretching the foreskin to cover the circumcision, so that it not be seen that he is circumcised], and one who reveals aspects [and interpretations] of the Torah not in accordance with the halachah, [e.g., translating (Leviticus 18:21): "And from your seed you shall not give to pass to the Molech (a kind of idolatry)," as "And from your seed you shall not give to pass to an Aramitess," which is not the plain meaning of the verse, and, included in this, expounding vain homilies. Another interpretation of "one who reveals aspects, etc." is one who audaciously transgresses the words of Torah in public, high-handedly and showing no shame] — Even if he possesses mitzvoth and good deeds [but does not repent of one of these transgressions of which he is guilty, even though afflictions come upon him], he has no share in the world to come. [But if he repents before he dies, there is nothing that stands before repentance.]