Joint Tehillim Reading OhrSavoy Community

Dear precious ladies of the OhrSavoy Community, Shabbos HaGadol is a very auspicious time for introspection,tefillah and tehillim. Tehillim is an incredibly powerful tool to connect to Hashem and bring his mercy and brocha into the world. This shabbos we would like to initiate a collective project for the women in our community to complete the book of tehillim together and in so doing to please G-d bring down Hashem's rachmanut and protection. Thank you for choosing to participate
I don't want to read tehillim
I want to read a Tehillim again
Find me another chapter
Thanks, maybe next time.

I completed reading the chapter

Reading Statistics :
  • Number of open books:
  • Number of books read in full: 0
  • Number of Psalms read in this book:
  • Number of Tehillim in read:

Link to the joint Tehillim read and share:
  1. Share the link via Email, twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.
  2. Each one that will go into the link, will automatically receive a different chapter to read.
  3. Everyone could read as many chapters as they wish.
This way, a number of Tehillim books could be completed in a short time and with the participation of others, for the Refuah of your beloved ones.